About Silver Divorce

Divorce among couples where one or both spouses are over age 50 has increased dramatically in the last few years. The challenges that lawyers and financial advisors face when working with clients going through a “Silver Divorce” can be extremely daunting.

In fact, many professionals on whom the Courts rely simply don’t have the expertise or experience to effectively address the overwhelming complexities that often arise in such cases – particularly those around real estate, taxes, and Qualified Retirement Plans. To fill this gap, we at Silver Divorce Consulting have a team of experts who can support family lawyers, CPAs, and financial advisors in their efforts to help their clients navigate through a silver divorce without experiencing the devastating financial consequences and/or extremely long timelines associated with so many divorces that involve older couples.

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  • Below, you’ll find videos and articles about Silver Divorce that we hope will help you navigate this important journey.

We look forward to working with you! — Peter Neuwirth and Barry Sacks